[26 April 2007] WANTED: A VERY generous friend. Hahaha. |
Waaaaah... someone, please give me PhP4,000!!!! I... badly... need... want... ...thatpairofAerosolesshoesIsawinRustan'sRobinson'sErmita. But it's just so... so... EFFIN' EXPENSIVE. Usually, when I go window shopping, when something catches my eye, I go for the tag price first, then drop the tag and forget about the item of interest when it's unreasonably priced. But nooooo. This pair, I really couldn't take my eyes of it, even when I know that there's no way I'll be able to buy that on my own. I tried it on twice when I first saw it, then went out of the store to look for shorts somewhere, then, I went back to try it on again. I even had to go to the silverware section of Rustan's coz the saleslady was following me, probably either convinced that I'm going to buy them already or suspecting me of shoplifting that pair since I seem to have "I-WANT-THOSE-SHOES" written all over me. So before I went home, I took a long last look at it, and made McArthur's promise: "I shall return." Wait for me, dear shoes! (Actually, there's another pair that I really really really want as well. It's almost PhP3,000. So, somebody... I need PhP7,000!!!!) |
so says tricia @ 9:34 PM | 0 comments |
[] The KULASA Survey :) |
Haaay... I've heard that St. Scho has changed so much. The bad kids have increased. Most of the best teachers are gone. That's so sad. Even though I spent most of my time in St. Scho studying, I still missed it in a way. I got this survey from Patty's and Anagon's multipy sites. Hehehe, for all Kulasas! P.S. It needs more items. Somebody add something about the Morning Praise (e.g. did Shibashi with the SSC nuns, had a mini-Morning Praise because you were late, raised the flag, or got blessed by Holy Water using acacia-tree leaves!) *** Academics [x] got a 100 card grade - haha, YETI elective. we love you sir dax! [ ] failed a perio - never [x] crammed for a quiz [x] finished Ibong Adarna - oh yeah! [x] finished Florante & Laura - "Sa isang madilim, gubat na mapanglaw..." [x] finished Noli - the best yung gabay sa Noli at Fili! [x] finished Fili - English version ata yung natapos ko. mas madaling intindihin, hehe. [ ] finished Ibong Mandaragit - oh, eto ang hindi ko talaga natapos. haha. [x] used a gabay for the Noli/Fili - made my life a LOT easier [ ] read a totally different version of the Noli/Fili [ ] borrowed textbooks from other classes [ ] lent textbooks to other classes [x] borrowed a lab gown [x] lent a lab gown [ ] failed a subject - never! [ ] did summer class [ ] got a merit [x] got 3rd honor [x] got 2nd honor [ ] got 1st honor - asa pa ko [ ] got a line of 7 card grade - never [x] passed Chem [x] passed Physics [ ] had something printed at the Comp. Lab [x] used a clearbook [x] used a Jansport backpack [ ] got a make-up test [x] crammed for a project [x] copied homework [ ] cheated [x] got a 4.0 club grade - yeah. St. Scho Glee Club [ ] got declared Best Speaker [x] got declared Best Debater - once! in one of the many class debates we had, haha. [ ] was in the Winning Team - hahaha, never, I think. hwatta loser. [x] enjoyed Geometry - yeah!!! Geom's the best. I loved proving! [x] got into the Top 10 [x] recited voluntarily [x] "shared" in CLE - magaling mangprovoke si Sir G. [ ] did a handwritten lab report [ ] forgot my PE clothes [ ] did not study at all for a test - ay, mas masipag ako mag-aral nung HS kesa ngayon. hahaha. [ ] made reviewers - di ko pa gawain toh noon. [ ] borrowed/copied reviewers - parang di pa uso sa'min yun noon [ ] paid someone to do homework/projects for me [x] borrowed/lent notes - oh yes, in demand ang notes ko [x] had Sir Rono as a teacher - substitute teacher ata [x] did homework for one class in another class - only when I didn't know the answer. masipag pa ko nun... charing! [ ] flunked an Isidro test (Mr. or Mrs. doesn't matter) [ ] had the MR as my homeroom SUBTOTAL: 26/49 Discipline [ ] got a green ID - mabait ako! hehe. [x] got a blue ID - yeah, I forget my school ID once in a while. [ ] got sent to the CSF - er, cerebrospinal fluid? haha. di ko maalala ano yung CSF. [x] got a call slip - nothing serious [x] ate in class - biscuits, candies... yun lang naman [x] texted in class [ ] got caught with my phone on [x] got a clean record [ ] was put on probation (DP/SDP) [ ] got a conduct grade lower than G [ ] got an O conduct grade - hanggang VG lang ata ako [ ] got an oral warning [ ] did community service [x] turned in something for the lost & found - so gradeschool! [ ] got back something from the lost & found [ ] filed a violation [x] read the handbook [ ] got scolded by the SC [ ] cut class - never! [x] came in late for class - even recited, "Good morning teacher, good morning classmates! I'm sorry I'm late, may I come in?" haha. [x] got my ID confiscated for ridiculous reasons - accidentally cursed in front of our snotty librarian! sabagay, grade 6 pa lang eh natuto na (I blame my classmates for teaching me, haha) [x] got yelled by a teacher - as part of a class. hehe. SUBTOTAL: 10/22 Other experiences [ ] got into a fight with someone from a higher batch [ ] got attacked by higad [ ] had a bird shit all over me [x] sat at the stone tables [x] danced for the Intrams [x] played for the Intrams - kickball [x] had a crush on a teacher [x] waited on a teacher on the foyer [x] got into the faculty room [ ] bought C2 from school - wala pang C2 nun! [x] slept over for Peace Camp [ ] tried out for Delta Chi - debate is definitely not my thing [ ] brought a guitar to school [x] have been to a concert sponsored by the school [x] went to the prom - yes, how could I forget. our low budget prom na ginawa sa school. kinulang sa juice, sa main course, sa dessert! [x] watched a volleyball game [x] watched a basketball game [x] switched clubs - 2 years in Upsilon Mu Gamma (Math Club), 1 year in Computer Club, then spent my last year in the Glee Club [x] was an officer - Vice President of Grade 6 St. Majolus, haha. [x] cried in school [ ] lost a G-tec - wala akong G-tec, di nga ako nagwa-watch eh. [ ] had a serious injury while in school [x] came to school with a fever [ ] went to SEP - uh, ano nga uli yung SEP? [x] have seen my face on the video presentations/slideshows they do for special occasions SUBTOTAL: 16/25 TOTAL: 52/96 - haha, marami pala akong hindi na-experience, noh? |
so says tricia @ 7:30 AM | 0 comments |
[24 April 2007] From half-a-grad to 99.9% grad |
Last Friday, we had our Recognition Day aka College Graduation, so at the end of the week, I was half a graduate. Finally, today, we had our University Graduation at the PICC. Finally, I was able to wear a toga and that cap with the tassle. Finally, I was able to sing with the Chorale during the rites as a graduate. Finally, I was able to walk down the aisles of that hall to receive my medal and my diploma, and to shake hands with the UP President and UPM Chancellor. I sang UP Naming Mahal for the last time as a BSPH student (unfortunately, hindi ko pa rin nataas ang kamao ko sa bandang hulihan ng kanta dahil nasa stage ako. Booo!). Finally, I'm a graduate. Well, almost. 99.9%. Hahaha. I still need a few more people to sign my clearance. So, just a little bit more and I'll be an official graduate! I still can't believe that I just finished 4 years of college, my pre-medical course, my most beloved Public Health. I am now a degree holder. If it weren't for med school, I should probably be working in a month or so. But I really can't imagine myself working yet, even if I am excited to work in research, in the laboratory or in the field. I still feel that I'm still too young (looking --- har har har) to work. I'm really going to miss my PH days. I will never regret the days when I wrote down that code for Public Health for my first choice in UP Manila, when I got accepted in UP-CPH, and when I enrolled in CPH and entered UP Manila as a BSPH student. Those two extra years of pre-med (compared to the Intarmed program where the students only have 2 years of "pre-med") were the greatest, and it's all worth it. I love my course. I love my batchmates. And I'm going to miss them terribly. I hope the best for all of us, whichever path we've decided or we'll decide to take, and I hope that when we all meet again in the same road we were once in, we'd acknowledge each other not as PH students anymore, but as excellent health professionals. Oh yeah! And of course, we'd make more and better memories. Congratulations Batch '07!!! WE MADE IT!!!! (Never fails to remind me of Legally Blonde 1) Papa Hilario, you must be very proud! |
so says tricia @ 11:00 PM | 0 comments |
[14 April 2007] DiviD crazy |
My mom and I went to Divisoria today. Usually, I'd go there with a goal of buying clothes, but this time, I wanted to get DVDs that I haven't seen yet. Compared to 2 articles of clothing I got from there, I bought 3 movies, 3 asianovela series, 2 english series, plus 3 PS2 games. And I still got 2 series that I haven't finished watching. My summer is now fully booked. When I get home from the beach, full bum/couch potato mode will be on... unless some unknown force would make me study (please, let there be no unknown force!) in advance for med school. Oh, you might want to buy onions from Divi, somewhere near the New Divisoria Mall. What's great about it is that they only cost PhP15.oo to PhP18.00, but the best part is that... they're seedless. ![]() ![]() |
so says tricia @ 11:49 PM | 0 comments |
[13 April 2007] On slippers and school girls |
Flip-flops have been very popular for the past few years already. Until now, it's still the "in" thing, and as summer approaches, it got even more popular. Havaianas, though expensive, are selling like hotcakes. Some would just opt to buy the "lesser", but equally comfortable, versions: Havanas and Hawaiianas. When I thought that imitations would stop there, I found another one a few days ago copying the local brand Banana Peel. That is... Bananacue. LOL. And I got a pair for 50 bucks. Hehe. *** The female PHoralers had a really funny moment two nights ago that I still can't forget it and the scene kept playing in my mind. Apparently, all three of us really think that a certain someone is cute. We haven't seen him in a long while! Just recently, we finally did. When he went inside the room and went to the other side to where he's supposed to be seated, we told each other to follow him with our eyes. And then, he saw us. And literally, at the same time, we put on silly smiles on our faces and waved at him. You know, the when-your-crush-sees-you-and-you-can't-help-but-make-pa-cute kind of wave, like spirit fingers. Haha, it's just too hard to explain, but we really felt like ditzy school girls. (Hey, to the guy I was referring to, if you know who you are, don't let it get to your head. Hahaha. We oftten tell you very openly that you are good-looking, anyway.) |
so says tricia @ 11:28 PM | 0 comments |
[05 April 2007] No day but today |
The heart may freeze or it can burn
The pain will ease if I can learn There is no future, there is no past I live this moment as my last There's only us, there's only this Forget regret or life is yours to miss No other road, no other way No day but today There's only yes, only tonight We must let go to know what's right No other course, no other way No day but today I can't control my destiny I trust my soul, my only goal is just to be There's only now, there's only here Give in to love or live in fear No other path, no other way No day but today NO DAY BUT TODAY |
so says tricia @ 12:29 AM | 0 comments |
[02 April 2007] Tgush. Auh. |
When after a long period of time of not seeing each other, you suddenly meet AND greet your crush while your hair's disheveled and you're all sweaty, and then there's the possibility that he actually saw you go to a corner, screaming in happiness discreetly and jumping around giddily... what will you do??? Might as well just shoot yourself in the head. WAAAAAAAAH. Tgush. Auh. |
so says tricia @ 9:22 PM | 0 comments |