[27 December 2005] Happy Holidays!!!
There are 12 days of Christmas, so if I greet everybody today, I'm still not too late. So...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! May you and your family have a blessed and happy Christmas! I would also like to extend my greeting especially to the following: my immediate family my extended family my relatives my PH batchmates Trops Cops++ First-placers! UP Manila Chorale Batch Legal Amores & Ugalino family - CPH Student Council 05-06
- 4-S 02-03
- my ka-Berx
- SSC Glee Club
DWTL Batch 62, mommies and sisters our hosts in Vienna and Rome St. Andrew's Parish Choir GASC friends from UPM, UPD, UPLB and UPMin the rest of my friends
Happy Holidays! 